The Spectator
The Stuyvesant
High School Newspaper

"The pulse of the student body"
Graduating Seniors of 2002

Editor in Chief

Jeff Orlowski

Managing Editor
Candace Nuzzo

Laura Krug
Abby Deutsch

Isaac Botier


Alison Shapiro

Ethan Moses

David Getsoff
Eddie Cho

Robyn Steiman
Christina Shin

Eugene Oh

Faculty Advisor Holly Ojalvo

It’s been an incredible four years. As graduation nears, many of us have two sets of thoughts running through our heads: excitement about college and the future, and reflection on the many experiences that have brought us to this point in our lives.

For this year’s Spectator senior project, the outgoing editors explored these issues, compiling new text and a collection of photos that touch upon various aspects of our lives as Stuy students. Some pieces go back to the big issues in the newspaper over the years, serving to both refresh our memories and to explore how these issues affected our school and community. Others take on subjects never before reported in the paper, and still others are personal interviews with figures central to our community, without whom it seems our school would not be the same.

This project does not attempt to cover every single important issue since freshman year, after all, there have been hundreds, perhaps thousands; it is merely a selection based upon our own interests. It has been a labor of love over the last few months of senior year, allowing us to reflect on our own Stuy experiences. We hope that this presentation will foster the same reflection in you, our readers. We hope you like it.

--The Editors